Tournament Directors : Stevie Joo - Alfonso Joo Assistant Director : Tan Tran
Officials Assignor : Renee Robinson
Divisions: Boys 3rd Grade - Varsity
Girls 3rd Grade - Varsity
Girls Same School HS Division
Location: Sequoia High - Redwood City
Terra Nova HS - Pacifica
Oceana HS - Pacifica
Cost $ 325.00 1 Team
$275.00 3 Teams +
with no Schedule requests
Contact: Alfonso Joo, Tournament Director:
Tan Tran 408-209-5894
Deadline: Payments must be received
10 days before event or you will be replaced.
Unpaid teams were dropped and NOT
placed on the schedule
We host our annual basketball tournament in honor
of Thaddeus Tran. On March 16 2015, Thaddeus was
unexpectedly taken from us by metastatic cancer.
He was only 24 years old, and had his whole life ahead
of him. We run the Thaddeus Tran annual memorial tournament in order to raise money to help find the cure for cancer, so that no one else has to go through the pain we felt when Thaddeus was taken from us.
Dear friends and family,
I would like to take a moment to extend our family’s gratitude towards the coaches, players, and families who participated in this year’s 6th Annual Thaddeus Tran Memorial Tournament. My family and I truly hope that the tournament was an enjoyable experience for both the players and the families.
We also appreciate and are grateful towards Mission Valley Trophies, who donated the trophies and medals for this tournament.
We would also like to especially thank the directors, including Alfonso Joo and his family as well as the BullDawgs organization for organizing the tournament yearly.
The proceeds from this event will go towards cancer research, humanitarian work for the homeless, and funding for school libraries.
We hope that in the following years, we will continue to have this overwhelming support for this great cause.
Warm regards,
Tran Family
10th Annual Thaddeus Tran
Memorial Tournament
June 8th & 9th, 2024
$15.00 Adults Daily
$5.00 Youth 8yrs and over